
Keynote Speakers

Prof. Irwan Prayitno, Dr. Psi., M.Sc.

Irwan Prayitno is an Indonesian politician who is currently serving as the Governor of West Sumatra Province. Before his election as governor, he served as a member of Indonesia’s Parliament (DPR-RI) from the election region of West Sumatra for three consecutive periods (1999-2004, 2004-2009 and 2009-2014). He got Bachelor Degree at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. He obtained M.Sc. of Human Resource Development from the Universiti Putra Malaysia. He holds a Ph.D. of Training Management also from the Universiti Putra Malaysia. Besides serving as governor, he is a lecturer for the Postgraduate (Magister) Program of Management at the Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta. He is an active writer in diverse topics in Indonesia such as human resource management, psychology, education, politics, Islamic studies, mining and energy policies, and environment issues.

Education and Notable Career:
1982-1988 Bachelor, University of Indonesia, Faculty of Psychology
1995-1996 M.Sc., Universiti Putra Malaysia, Human Resource Development
1996-2000 Ph.D., Universiti Putra Malaysia, Training Management
1999-2004 Indonesia’s Parliament, Chief Commission VIII: Energy, Mineral Resource, Research and Technology, and Environment
2009-2010 Indonesia’s Parliament, Member Commission I: Communication and Information, Overseas and Defense
2010-2011 Indonesia’s Parliament, Member of Commission X: Education, Tourism, Culture and Sports
2010-present  Governor of West Sumatra Province

Prof. (HC) Ir. Rachmat Witoelar

Rachmat Witoelar was state Minister of Environment of Republic Indonesia in 2004-2009. He graduated from Department of Architecture at Institute Teknologi Bandung in 1970. In 1971, he became a Member of Parliament representing Golkar, as the ruling party, and he was re-elected four times. In 2004, he was appointed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the Minister of Environment. Rachmat held various positions in the House of Representatives, including Chairman of House Commission VI. He was also Golkar Party Secretary-general from 1988 to 1993. He served as Indonesian Ambassador to Russia and Mongolia from 1993 to 1997. In 2007, Rachmat Witoelar was elected as the President of Thirteenth United Nations Framework Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC), which was held in Bali, Indonesia.

Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi

Kiyoshi Kobayashi is Director of the Management Research Center and Professor of Business Planning and Management at the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. He is also a Professor of Engineering, Infrastructure Economics and Management at the Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan. He got his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Master Degree and holds a Ph.D. from Kyoto University. He received several awards and prizes due to his research achievements, including the Hinomaru Prize in 1988, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Research Prize in 1993, 2001 and 2007. In 2007, he was included in the Top 50 City Creators and Urban Experts from the Ministry of the Environment of Denmark. He is also a member of Japan Council of Infrastructure, Japan Council of Transport Policy and Japan Academy of Science. In 2018, He has been appointed as the President of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). His research field covers the planning systems analysis, infrastructure economics, city and regional planning theory, as well as traffic engineering, asset management and land planning.

Notable publications:

Han D, Kaito K, Kobayashi K, Aoki K (2017) Management scheme of road pavements considering heterogeneous multiple life cycles changed by repeated maintenance work. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.21 (5): 1747-1756.

Kobayashi K, Kaito K (2017) Big data-based deterioration prediction models and infrastructure management: towards assetmetrics. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Vo.13 (1): 84-93.

Zhang R, Matsushima K, Kobayashi K (2017) Computable urban economic model incorporated with economies of scale for urban agglomeration simulation. The Annals of Regional Science Vol.59 (1): 231-254.

Zhang R, Matsushima K, Kobayashi K (2016) Land use, transport and carbon emissions: A computable urban economic model for Changzhou, China. Review Urban and Regional Development Studies Vol.28 (3): 162-181.

Kaito K, Kobayashi K, Obama K (2014) Investigating pavement structure deterioration with a relative evaluation model. In: Frangopol DM and Tsompanakis Y (eds.) Maintenance and Safety of Aging Infrastructure. CRC

Prof. Yun Hin Taufiq-Yap

Yu Hin Taufiq-Yap is a Professor of Catalysis and Head of the Laboratory of Sustainable Chemicals and Bioenergy at Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is the Fellow of Malaysia Institute of Chemistry and Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. He holds a B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. from Universiti Putra Malaysia and a Ph.D. from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) UK and following research attachment at Cardiff University. He is currently a Visiting Professor for Curtin Sarawak Research Institute at Curtin University Sarawak, and also formerly Visiting Professor at Nagoya University, Japan and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. His research interests are on designing heterogeneous catalysts and nanocatalyst for sustainable biofuels and chemicals production from biomass and renewable resources.

Notable publications:

Juan JC, Kartika DA, Wu TY, Hin TYY (2011) Biodiesel production from Jatropha oil by catalytic and non-catalytic approaches: an overview. Bioresource Technology Vol.102 (2): 452-460.

Isahak WNRW, Hisham MWM, Yarmo MA, Hin TY (2012) A review on bio-oil production from biomass by using pyrolysis method. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol.16 (8): 5910-5923.

Taufiq-Yap YH, Lee HV, Hussein MZ, Yunus R (2011) Calcium-based mixed oxide catalysts for methanolysis of Jatropha curcas oil to biodiesel. Biomass and Bioenergy Vol.35 (2): 827-834.

Mohammed MAA, Salmiaton A, Wan Azlina WAKG, Mohammad Amran MS, Fakhru’l-Razi A, Taufiq-Yap YH (2011) Hydrogen rich gas from oil palm biomass as a potential source of renewable energy in Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol.15 (2): 1258-1270.

Aziz MAA, Jalil AA, Triwahyono S, Mukti RR, Taufiq-Yap YH, Sazegar MR (2014) Highly active Ni-promoted mesostructured silica nanoparticles for CO2 methanation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Vol.147: 359-368.


Prof. Jun Honna

Jun Honna is a Professor at Graduate School of International Relations and the Institute of International Relations and Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. His specialization is in comparative politics and the Southeast Asian Studies. He graduated from Political Science of Faculty of Arts and Science at the Temple University USA, and completed Master of Political Science at the International Christian University. He holds a Ph.D. of Political Science from Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University. He is a member of Japan Association of Comparative Politics, Japan Association of International Relations and Japan Association for Asian Studies, His research topic focuses on politics in Indonesia concerning to democratization, civil-military relations, electoral politics, local politics and political-crime nexus. The regional security in Southeast Asia with a particular focus on the state/regional response to non-traditional security issues is also of his interest.

Notable publications:

Jun Honna (2017) Electoral dynamics in Indonesia: money politics, patronage and clientelism at the grassroots, edited by Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati, Democratization.

Okamoto M and Honna J (2014) Introduction: “Local” politics in Jakarta: Anomaly from Indonesia’s local politics? Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs Vol.33 (1): 3-6.

Jun Honna (2012) Inside the Democrat Party: Power, politics and conflict in Indonesia’s Presidential Party. South East Asia Research Vol.20 No.4: 463-489.

Jun Honna (2012) Maritime crimes in Southeast Asia: Human securitizing the policy paradigm. International Conference: The Nexus of Security and Development: Addressing Local Conflicts before They Turn Global – Japan-EU Cooperation, JICA Research Institute, Tokyo, 21 February 2012.

Jun Honna (2012) Japan and the responsibility to protect: Coping with human security diplomacy. The Pacific Review Vol.25 No.1: 95-112.


Dr. Paul Burgers

Paul Burgers is a Senior Researcher and Director of CO2 Operate BV from the Netherlands. Agroforestry and sustainable rural development for livelihood improvement are of his main interest. As a lead scientist, he managed various research projects in Zimbabwe on forestry, farming in communal areas and rural development. In 1997, he engaged with the World Agroforestry Centre in Bogor, Indonesia as a project leader for agroforestry, daily farming and indigenous fallow management program of South East Asia. He worked as senior researcher of plant production systems at the Wageningen University (2013-2015) for the project of processes of land use change: from food cropping land to oil palm plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia. With his CO2 Operate BV since 2007 up to present, he combines his scientific work with business, particularly for carbon neutral production solutions, carbon offsetting projects based on food forest development on degraded grasslands, value chain development for non-timber forest products, and ecological natural rubber products. He holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University the Netherlands, with dissertation topic of changing livelihoods and management practices in the buffer zone of the Kerinci Seblat National Park, Kerinci District of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Notable publications:

Bayrak MM, Tu TN, Burgers P (2015) Formal and indigenous forest-management systems in Central Vietnam. In: Cairns, M (ed.) Shifting Cultivation and Environmental Change: Indigenous People, Agriculture and Forest Conservation. Chapter 16, pp. 319-334. Routledge.

Tu TN, Burgers P, Zoomers EB (2014) Co-management of forests and forest land under decentralization process in Central Vietnam. In: Behnassi, M., Shahid A., Mintz-Habib N. Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System pp. 333-356. Springer books, the Netherlands.

Susanti A, Burgers P (2013) Oil palm expansion: Competing claim of lands for food, biofuels, and conservation. In: Behnassi, M., Pollman O and Kissinger G (2013) Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change pp. 301-320. Springer books, the Netherlands.

Burgers P, Ketterings QM, Garrity DP (2005) Fallow management strategies and issues in Southeast Asia. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment Vol.110 (1-2): 1-13.

Sunderlin WD, Angelsen A, Belcher B, Burgers P, Nasi R, Santoso L, Wunder S (2005) Livelihoods, forests, and conservation in developing countries: an overview. World Development Vol.33 (9): 1383-1402.


Prof. Shabbir H. Gheewala

Shabbir H. Gheewala is a Professor and Head of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Laboratory, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand. He also holds an adjunct professorship at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA and a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Shabbir obtained B.Eng. of Civil Engineering from Jadavpur University in Calcutta, India. He got M.Eng. and Dr.Eng. of Environmental Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. His research focuses on life cycle sustainability assessment of energy systems; sustainability indicators; carbon/water footprint; and certification issues in biofuels and agro-industry. He is a national expert on life cycle inventory as well as product carbon footprinting in Thailand and a steering committee member of the Life Cycle Impact Assessment flagship of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. He is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Energy for Sustainable Development and the Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment.

Notable publications:

Gabisa EW, Gheewala SH (2018) Potential of bio-energy production in Ethiopia based on available biomass residues. Biomass and Bioenergy Vol.111: 77-87.

Gheewala SH, Silalertruksa T, Nilsalab P, Lecksiwilai N, Sawaengsak W, Mungkung R, Ganasut J (2017) Water stress index and its implication for agricultural land-use policy in Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology pp. 1-14.

Bukoski J, Chaiwiwatworakul P, Gheewala SH (2016) Energy savings vs. costs of implementation for demand side management strategies within an energy efficient tropical residence. Energy Efficiency Vol.9 (2): 473-485.

Silalertruksa T, Gheewala SH, Pongpat P (2015) Sustainability assessment of sugarcane biorefinery and molasses ethanol production in Thailand using eco-efficiency indicator. Applied Energy Vol.160: 603-609.

Okadera T, Chontanawat J, Gheewala SH (2014) Water footprint for energy production and supply in Thailand. Energy Vol.77: 49-56.

Prof. Yoko Hayami

Yoko Hayami is a professor at Center For Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.  She is the recipient of Abe Fellowship Program 2015 and received her Ph.D. in Antropology from Brown University. Her research involves anthropological study of the relationship between upland and lowland population in continental Southeast Asia, focusing especially on topics such as ritual, religion, gender, and inter-ethnic relations. Yoko Hayami has carried out long‐term research on the Karen people in Thailand and Myanmar, with a focus on religious dynamics, ethnicity, gender, and family. From July 2016 to January 2017, Dr. Hayami has been conducting fieldwork in Chiang Mai, Thailand on issues of aging and care in present-day Thai society.

Notable publications:

Karen Culture of Evangelism and Early Baptist Mission in Nineteenth Century Burma. Social Sciences and Missions. Vol.31. No.2.

Seeking Haven and Seeking Jobs: Migrant Workers’ Networks in Two Thai Locales Southeast Asian Studies. Vol. 2, No. 2, August 2013, pp. 243-283Nobapaon Rabibhadana 2011.

The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia: Institution, Ideology and Practice. (Co-edited with Junko Koizumi, Ratana Tosakul, and Chalidaporn Songsampan) Silkworm Press and Kyoto University Press.

Pagodas and Prophets: Contesting Sacred Space and Power among Buddhist Karen in Karen State. Journal of Asian Studies.Vol.70 No.4:1083-1105.

Between Hills and Plains: Power and Practice in Socio-Religious Dynamics among Karen. Kyoto and Melbourne: Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press. 385p.

Gender and Modernity in Asia and the Pacific. Kyoto University Press & Trans-Pacific Press.


Prof. Rudi Febriamansyah

Rudi Febriamansyah is a Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture of Andalas University, Indonesia. His specialization is in Environmental Management. He graduated from Agricultural Economy of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, and completed Master of Social Development at Ateneo de Manila Universit, Philippines. He holds a Ph.D. of Environmental Management from University of Melbourne, Australia. Prof. Rudi Febriamansyah has carried researches on the Gender and Natural Resources Management as well as Climate Change and Natural Resources Management in Asia.


Notable publications:

Land Use Changes in Dharmasraya District, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sc. 41 (3): 1111 – 1124 (2018)

Deforestation in Dharmasraya District, West Sumatra, Indonesia A Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) Model Asian Journal of Scientific Research Vol 11, Issue 2, page 177-184. 2018

Exploration and identification of the indigenous Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of citronella (Andropogon nardus L.) in the dry land regions in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. International Journal on Advances Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol 8 No.1 pages:85-92. 2018

Exploring fisheries dependency and its relationship to poverty: A case study of West Sumatra, Indonesia. RJ Stanford, B Wiryawan, DG Bengen, R Febriamansyah, J Haluan. Ocean & coastal management 84, 140-152. 2013

Improving livelihoods in fishing communities of West Sumatra: More than just boats and machines. RJ Stanford, B Wiryawan, DG Bengen, R Febriamansyah, J Haluan. Marine Policy, 16-25. 2014